Al Coronado news, articles, and tips
Engaging articles and news from the world of plumbing. Here you can find interesting articles, how to’s, and other factual plumber information

What Plumbers Wish You Knew To Avoid Water Heater Repair
March 7, 2022
Here’s a nightmare scenario: you’re relaxing at home when your ceiling caves in and water pours down all over you. Every year, leaks in an average American home waste up to 10,000 gallons of water. The EPA claims this is the equivalent of 270 loads of laundry. Here are some ways to avoid water heater […]

The Most Common Questions Emergency Plumbers Hear
January 14, 2022
There are times when we need special services from plumbers and other professionals outside of normal operating hours. When this happens, an emergency plumber may be a great option. There are so many different jobs that an emergency plumber can handle, but what are the most common questions that they have to deal with? What […]

4 Reasons Why You Should Seek Professional Plumbing Services
December 8, 2021
When you have a plumbing problem in your Arizona home, you should seek Tucson plumbing services from a top-rated plumbing company. Even minor plumbing issues like leaking faucets need to be nipped in the bud before they cause you major losses. The United States Environmental Protection Agency estimates that every one in 10 homes in […]

What Are the Most Common Plumbing Repair Jobs Needed?
December 7, 2021
Plumbing is one of the most important components in any home. It provides water, which is vital for everything from cooking to bathing to cleaning. It can be a major inconvenience when something goes wrong with your plumbing. Here are the most common plumbing repair jobs you may need to call in 24 hours plumbers […]

Small Leaks Can Add Up To Big Problems: What You Should Know
November 10, 2021
Leaks are quite common in people’s homes. Statistics show that about one in ten homes in the U.S. have leaks in their plumbing. While these leaks are small, they can cause wastage of no less than 90 gallons of water every day. Here’s why you should hire Tucson plumbing services as soon as you notice […]