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old plumbing pipes

Should You Repair or Replace Old Plumbing Pipes?

Your home’s plumbing system works quietly in the background, delivering clean water and removing waste. Therefore, it can be frustrating when the pipes suffer significant damage that will cost significant sums to fix. Such problems are more likely with old plumbing pipes.

In that instance, you’ll find yourself wondering if you should repair or replace the pipes. As the leading provider of plumbing services in Tucson, AZ, we’ve seen homeowners come to us with this issue multiple times here at Al Coronado Plumbing. We’ll address it in this post.

Signs of Old Plumbing Pipes

Before we get into the repair vs. replacement discussion, you need to work out if you have old plumbing pipes in the first place. Some of the most common problems with old pipes include:

  •  Corrosion. Can you see rust or greenish-blue stains on exposed pipes around your property? Those are signs of corrosion. Corroded pipes are more susceptible to leaks and bursts.
  • Low water pressure. Have you noticed a significant drop in the water pressure across your home? This often points to the accumulation of mineral deposits. The buildup of deposits also leads to corrosion.
  • Persistent leaks. If you’ve had to repair pipe leaks more than twice in the last year, there’s a high chance that you have old plumbing pipes.

Should You Repair or Replace Plumbing Pipes?

Unfortunately, there’s no hard and fast rule to follow on when to replace old pipes or repair them. Some of the factors you should consider include:

The Extent of the Damage

If you have corroded or leaky pipes in only one part of your home, then repairs can work. On the other hand, if your pipes spring leaks all over your property or show all the signs of severe corrosion, then replacement offers the more cost-effective solution.

The Pipe Material

If you have galvanized steel or polybutylene pipes, then any old plumbing issues you’re experiencing will likely only worsen as the pipes get older. You’ll spend far too much on aging pipes maintenance.

If you don’t want to spend too much time thinking about how to handle old pipes, you should consider replacing the pipes as soon as possible. Switching to modern options like PEX will give you more peace of mind.

The Probability of Frequent Repairs

Repair may seem cost effective if you only want to do it once. But do you know if the problem will repeat itself? Repeated repairs can be costlier over the long term — and you’ll still have the pipe replacement to contend with.

Your Current Home Situation

Are you thinking about moving in the near future? Can your family handle the disruption that will come with pipe replacement? Your answers will help you see if you can make do with repairs for now.

Get Expert Guidance From Al Coronado Plumbing

Are you still unsure if you should repair or replace your old plumbing pipes? The expert team at Al Coronado Plumbing will provide you with an honest assessment.

Call us today at (520) 834-8400 for plumbing pipe replacement tips and guidance on the right plumbing pipe material to choose from.