What Causes Water Heaters To Explode?
Water heater explosions are a very real possibility for homeowners to watch out for. What causes water heaters to explode? Typically, these explosions occur due to pressure buildup, for which several factors might be responsible.
Al Coronado Plumbing has spent years offering reliable water heater repair in Tucson, AZ. Keep reading to learn what the team does to help locals avoid water heater explosions.
What Causes Water Heaters To Explode?
Water heaters can be dangerous. After all, you’re looking at boiling water and high pressure inside the tank around the clock. Rising pressure in the water heater comes from thermal expansion. Frighteningly, this could easily lead to an explosion followed by a fire, but what causes the pressure buildup in the first place?
- High temperatures: Overheating water will raise the pressure inside the tank. Scalding water may be due to an inaccurate thermostat or malfunctioning part.
- Sediment buildup: Tanks get sediment lying on the bottom over time. Rust is a common reason for this sediment accumulation, as is hard water.
- Broken parts: If any portion of the water heater system malfunctions, it could cause the system to heat the water too much while increasing the pressure beyond what the tank can handle.
If any of these situations carries on long enough, the tank might explode.
Signs Your Water Heater Will Burst
You don’t want to live in constant fear about the water heater suddenly bursting. Now that you know what causes water heaters to explode, here are a few warning signs to note.
Faulty Pressure Relief Valve
The pressure relief valve is on the outside of the tank. If you notice water dripping from it, there is too much pressure. The tank needs immediate professional attention.
Discolored Water
Since sediment buildup causes thermal expansion, discolored water from rust (brown to red) and stained fixtures serve as a warning sign of excess tank pressure. Sediment may also be greenish or yellowish.
Popping sounds occur when water trapped underneath sediment buildup builds pressure and bubbles. The water also gets too close to the heating elements and displaces sediment as it escapes upward, causing loud sounds.
Gas Leaks
If the water smells funny or of rotten eggs, you might have a gas leak, which is incredibly dangerous and considered an emergency. Carbon monoxide can’t be seen or smelled, so it’s important to keep a detector near your water heater. If there’s a carbon monoxide leak setting off the alarm:
- First, call 911 and leave your home immediately.
- Then, call a plumber.
Prevent Explosions With Al Coronado Plumbing
Potentially, you now know what causes water heaters to explode, but the key to avoiding water heater repairs and explosions is simple – get regular maintenance. Get your water tank inspected once every year so that a professional Tucson plumber can spot signs of wear and tear before your water heater develops major problems. If your pressure valve and tank thermometer are working perfectly, and the plumber flushes sediment buildup, your tank won’t give you issues.
Call Al Coronado Plumbing at (520) 834-8400 when you need your water tank repaired, replaced, or maintained!