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why wont my toilet flush

Why Won’t My Toilet Flush?

Why won’t my toilet flush? The mess you know is coming when you ask this question can ruin anyone’s day.

As the expert plumber Marana, AZ, residents trust, we at Al Coronado Plumbing have seen our fair share of stubbornly unresponsive fixtures. Keep reading to learn the usual suspects when a toilet doesn’t flush.

Closed Water Valve

Toilets need water to flush, and the tank should fill up automatically after every use. If you barely see water in the tank, a plumber will check the inlet valve, turning it counterclockwise to see if water starts flowing in.

Sediment can sometimes build up around the valve. Give it a little wiggle.

You normally find it on the wall behind the toilet.

Disconnected Lever

Does your toilet have a lever flush system? The bar may have detached from the flapper, which is the rubber mechanism inside the tank.

A chain often attaches them together. If it comes unhooked from either component, nothing will happen when you press the flush handle.

It’s easy to fix. Just carefully remove the toilet tank’s lid and reattach the chain via the small hooks on the lever and flapper. Keep the connection fairly loose.

Faulty Flapper

Why won’t my toilet flush properly? Weak flush issues often point toward a compromised flapper, the component that seals the opening between the tank and the bowl. Water will flow continuously when the flapper becomes warped or torn.

Fixing a flapper problem requires buying a replacement that matches the existing flush valve assembly. The plumber will turn off the water supply, empty the tank, remove the old flapper, and hook the new one onto the overflow tube.

While they’re there, why not give the professional an overview of the plumbing problems you’re having and ask for advice?

Clogged Toilet

It’s arguably the most common toilet problem, although most blockages happen when someone puts excessive toilet paper into the bowl. Of course, other objects could also cause a clogged toilet, such as:

  • Paper towels
  • Cotton balls and swabs
  • Hygiene products like sanitary napkins and tampons
  • Wet wipes, even those labeled as “flushable”
  • Dental floss
  • Hair
  • Medication or pharmaceuticals
  • Toys or small household objects

For any small objects, a trusty plunger might do the trick. Push it down until it creates an airtight seal, then pump it in quick strokes.

Deep-seated or persistent clogs may need a plumber’s more specialized tools, like a drain snake or hydro-jetting gear.

Float Complications

The float sits at the water level in the tank. Once the water reaches the tank’s maximum capacity, the float closes the toilet’s fill valve, so a damaged, obstructed, or poorly set float may cause less water, which would give a weaker flush (or a toilet not flushing at all).

The solution involves adjusting or replacing a small component. If it’s just stuck, gently adjust it until it moves freely again.

Your Go-To Crew for Plumbing Problems in Marana, AZ

Why won’t my toilet flush? Why is my bathroom smelling like sulfur? Leave toilet repair to professionals who don’t just treat surface problems but address the root cause for good!

Dial (520) 834-8400 today for Al Coronado Plumbing!